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Bird Watching Tours

Here are some top recommended bird watching spots that you don’t        want to miss:


  • Indio Maiz Reserve is home to over 400 bird species, along with jaguars, pumas, and manatees. The reserve’s most sought-after bird species are the endangered great green macaw and great curassow.


  • Los Guatuzos Wildlife Reserve, situated on the south shore of Lake Nicaragua, is a must-see for bird enthusiasts. You’ll find fantastic populations of aquatic birds, including the roseate spoonbill and several kingfisher species.


  • Isla El Zapote is a sanctuary for thousands of birds and is particularly known for its cormorants, herons, and spoonbills in April. A boat tour is the best way to explore the island, given its lack of infrastructure.


  • The Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, located in the northeast of the country, is Central America’s largest protected natural reserve. It’s a cloud and rainforest reserve that’s home to a spectacular range of bird species.


  • El Jaguar Cloud Forest Reserve is a privately owned forest reserve that houses over 150 bird species. You can also explore the organic shade coffee farm that’s nestled within the reserve. The reserve is located 1300 meters above sea level and is known for its prehistoric ferns, giant oak trees, bromeliads, orchids, and strangler figs.



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